Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Satu Lagi Senyuman Darinya.

Kukumpulkan sepenuh keberanian yang tersisa di diriku untuk menelepon kamu. Ternyata, usahaku mengumpulkan keberanian tidak sia sia. Ternyata.

Air mata sudah kusiapkan untuk menangis. Mata pun sudah ku latih untuk menahan tangis. Ternyata, tak perlu air mata itu. Ya, mungkin nanti kuperlukan lagi.

Bintang kita sedang bersinar terang, menanti untuk kita hayati bersama. Tapi kasian dia, hanya aku yang menghayati dia. Dia kecewa. Mungkin karena itu dia tidak nampak hari ini.

Terimakasih mau meluangkan waktumu mendengarkanku bicara. Rasannya hangat, walau disekitar dingin. Kurindu waktu itu, selalu ada waktu yang kau sisihkan untukku. Bilamana kau selalu siap memelukku saat dingin datang menyerang, dan waktu dimana ku tak perlu takut kehilanganmu.

Dan hari ini, kamu datang dengan senyumanmu untukku. Yang sangat sangat berharga bagiku. Pertanyaanmu padaku, yang sama sekali tidak spesial tapi menjadi sangat penting dan special untuku, karena kamu yang bertanya. Kalimat kalimat yang kamu tujukan padaku, dan tatapan matamu.

Tapi malam ini aku kembali merenung, sambil menunggu bintang kita yang tak kunjung datang. Merindukanmu bahkan lebih.

Apakah harapan yang kau sembunyikan di senyummu?
Ataukah rasa iba yang terselubung di tatap matamu?

Haruskah aku berharap lebih lagi? Atau memaksa diri ini untuk mengerti, bahwa kau sudah tak mungkin kumilki?

Aku ingin tau, apa pesan yang ada dari setiap kata yang kau ucapkan? Dan dari senyummu itu?

Aku tak punya cukup keberanian untuk bertanya langsung, aku mau berasumsi saja.

Aku asumsikan bahwa harapanlah yang ada dalam senyummu dan tatap matamu dan kata kata katamu.

Aku akan terus berharap, karena harapan itu selalu ada kalau aku percaya.

Satu lagi senyuman dari kamu, yang membuat jiwaku tergoncang. Aku ingin menangis.

When a Soldier Misses Someone They Love

When a soldier misses someone they love, all they can do is write a letter and ask their leader to send it.
            They won’t even know if the letter didn’t make it to its destiny.

When an astronaut misses someone they love, they can just record themselves talking and E-mail it.
            They won’t know if the connection fails on the way.

When a prisoner misses someone they love, they can talk to them for a little time. That is if they’re lucky
            They won’t know, whether the loved one is willing to come.

When I miss someone I love, I can just grab my hand phone, text him or even call him. But it doesn’t help because he is not replying. He is not making our conversation a comfortable one.

So I type this to tell someone I love that I miss him…
Maybe this is the only way to let him know…

Three Over Four

Don’t speak. Don’t say anything. Don’t even whisper…
I’d like to listen to this better. The sound of your heartbeat. The sound of you breathing.

It reminds me how close you are to me.
To feel you breathing down my neck convinces me that you love me…

I like to hear your heartbeat together with mine, they sound like the metronome of our love song. The song that plays faster every time, and also slower at the same time. They are the narrator of our love story whenever we wanted to remember. They are the one we need to keep us alive – and the one our love need to survive –.

I forgot the sound of your breath, all I know is, it’s a good feeling to hear it. It’s not the same as any other people. Yours is the most addictive. The most dangerous. The most killing.

Now, all I got is my heartbeat alone, and the down syndrome of loosing you. Our heartbeat dies, as our love story started to decay. But part of it, is trying so hard to survive. I am part of our love story, and I am the one that wanted it to survive.

But looking at the fact, and forced to get real, I realized our love story will surely decay until none is left. The sweet melody is turning bitter, and it is depressing…

After all, I figure out that love is the slowest way to commit suicide.

Terima Kasih Gelap dan Sepi

Jika malam datang,
aku melihat bintang dan bulan di langit.
Mereka sibuk menyampaikan pesan cinta dari manusia kepada manusia..
            “Bintang katakana padanya, aku ingin lukiskan cahayamu dihatinya…”
            “Bulan, seraplah rinduku dan pantulkanlah padanya”

Selama ini aku cukup tau diri untuk tidak ikut ikutan titip rindu melalui mereka. Aku tak mau mereka kecapean sehingga nanti tak mampu lagi bersinar..

Selama ini rindu untuknya aku pendam saja dan aku simpan baik baik, siapa tau nanti ada kesempatan menyampaikannya langsung…

Jika malam datang,
aku merasa sepi dan gelap.
Mereka selalu mengingatkan aku padanya.
            “Sebelum dia pergi, ada yang menemani sehingga tidak kesepian..”
            “Dulu, setiap kali gelap datang, dia juga datang mengalahkan gelap..”

Selama ini aku cukup kuat  menghadapi sepi dan gelap tanpa dia. Aku tidak mau mengganggunya..

Selama ini aku mengorbankan perasaan aku agar dia tidak terganggu akan kehadiran aku…

Lalu malam datang,
Aku merasa sepi walau ditemani banyak bintang, merasa gelap walau diterangi sinar bulan.
Ingin aku titip rindu buat dia, tetapi bulan dan bintang terlalu sibuk.
Aku ingin titip rindu buat dia. Ingin sekali.

Akhirnya, aku titip rindu pada sepi dan gelap, agar segera disampaikannya pesan rindu ini pada dia. Biarlah sepi dan gelap datang padanya dan mengingatkannya akan aku.
            Aku yang ditinggalkannya, aku yang hancur lebur karenanya, dan  aku yang kesepian dibuatnya.

Dia, aku sangat rindu padamu…

Orang Bodoh yang Lebih Pintar Dari Saya

Seharusnya saya tau, orang bodoh jangan dijawab. Pasti saya kalah. Karena saya lebih bodoh dari orang bodoh. Orang bodoh yang paling pintar. Dia yang tau segalanya, dan semua yang dikatakan orang bodoh adalah yang benar. Apapun yang dipikirkanya, itulah fakta. Kalau tak mau melawan fakta, jangan melawan apa kata orang bodoh.       M e n u r u t    o r a n g   b o d o h .
            Hidup saya sekarang didukung oleh orang bodoh. Orang bodoh yang membiayai sekolah saya, orang bodoh yang memberikan saya uang saku. Dan supir orang bodoh pula yang mengantar jemput saya. Tanpa orang bodoh, saya tak bisa apa apa.
            Ya, saya tak bisa memutuskan hubungan saya dengan si orang bodoh. Walau pun saya ingiiiiiiin sekali. Saya harap saya tidak pernah mengenal orang bodoh yang lebih pintar dari saya itu. Kalau benar ada reinkarnasi, saya memilih untuk jadi anak tukang becak daripada ketemu sama si orang bodoh…
Aaaaaaaaarghhhh!!!! Najis! Mungkin tidak hanya bodoh, goblok dan tolol juga. Huh, mungkinkah saya lebih goblok dan tolol juga?? Mungkinkah saya lebih najis dimata orang lain??
Apakah seorang anak yang menuliskan apa yang dipikirkanya bersalah? Atau goblok kah dia jika mengutarakan pendapatnya? Tololkah dia membicarakan apa yang dia rasakan? Sebegitu najiskah ia yang mencacimaki ayahnya?
Maaf papa,hanya ini saja yang saya bisa pikirkan tentang orang bodoh yang lebih pintar dari saya saat ini.

Tak Sanggup

Oh Tuhan, Ijinkan hati ini merelakannya
Cukup lama aku terdiam di titik yang sama
Bagiku, menghapus dia dalam hatiku sesulit mengusir bayanganku sendiri

Aku tak mengerti
Mengapa masih terasa begitu perih?
Aku kira luka itu telah mengering dan sembuh
Tapi mengapa aku tetap membatin?

Mungkin dia takkan pernah tau, sakit yang aku rasakan tiap kali aku melihatnya
Dimana ia begitu dekat sekaligus sangat jauh tak terjangkau

Mungkin dia takkan pernah mengerti mengapa aku tidak menyambutnya
Padahal rinduku bagai badai dalam hati

Aku tak sanggup menjadi temannya

Berasal Dari Hati Yang Perawan

Ketika hatiku beranjak dewasa, banyak yang harus dipelajari..

Ia akan belajar mencintai, pertama-tama mengagumi, sampai tumbuh rasa yang menggebu-gebu, yang mebuat sang insan lemas tak berdaya. Rasa itu adalah cinta. Cinta yang masih tulus, polos dan tak bercela…

Cinta yang perawan ini kuberikan pada seorang teman, yang kukagumi dan akhirnya kucintai. Teman yang tidak lagi baik, yang tidak lagi perhatian walau parasnya tetap menawan.
Cinta yang kuberikan secara naif dan terburu-buru itu pun menyiapkan pelajaran baru untuk hatiku. Sesuatu yang baru, sesuatu yang menyakitkan dan sulit bagi hati yang belum dewasa.

            Sakit hati!

Sakit hati adalah pelajaran selanjutnya.
Awalnya gampang, menjalin hubungan. Semakin terasa indah setiap hari, semakin menikmati hati ini ditipu. Hati yang polos ini.
Sampai kenyataan terungkap, dia tidak pernah benar benar menghargai cinta itu.

Luka pertama pun tergores. Perih rasanya, bagi sebuah hati yang masih utuh, goresan ini sangat menyakitkan dan sulit.
Bingung mau diapakan agar lekas sembuh, agar tidak membekas terlalu dalam.

Tiba-tiba ada kasih baru menyelimuti hatiku. Ini undangan untuk ikut belajar di kelas selanjutnya pikirku. Hatiku butuh pelajaran ini! Walau resiko luka luka baru akan tercipta.

Sama, hari-hari manis kulewati. Kelegaan bagi hati yang merasa terancam.
Tetapi kali ini, banyak cubitan cubitan kecil yang cepat pulih, walau ada juga yang sangat sakit dan susah dilupakan, maksudnya yang membekas.

Hmm, baru dua pelajaran yang kuppelajari. Perjalanan hatiku masih begitu panjang.. semoga hatiku lulus dengan baik..

Aku Tidak Sejauh Bintang

Aku ingat waktu itu, kau nyatakan cinta padaku, dan bintang.
Saat kita bersama…
            Aku.            Kamu.   Bintang.

Saat itu, aku yakin aku terasa dekat. Dan aku terasa hangat.
Bintang sangatlah jauh, walaupun ia kelihatan begitu terang…

Kamu mengajakku untuk menggantungkan harapah kita pada bintang, lebih tepatnya satu bintang pilihan kita.

Setiap malam, aku menanti hadirnya bintang itu. Aku ingin belajar padanya.
  Kau berpaling dariku, tetapi bintang itu tidak kau tinggalkan.

Aku heran…
Kukira bintang tanpaku takkan berarti, tapi ternyata akulah yang tak berarti bagimu dengan, ataupun tanpa bintang.

Mungkinkah karena ku tidak di dekatmu lagi?
               Ahh, tapi aku tidak sejauh bintang!!

Apakah kenangan lebih berharga daripada objeknya?
Jadi, tempat menggantung harapan lebih penting dari harapan itu sendiri?

Apa yang tidak aku mengerti disini?

Maaf, aku terbatas untuk mengerti…

Yang pasti, aku iri pada bintang, Karena kau setia padanya.

Tapi, aku mau belajar jadi bintang, agar kau juga tetap setia padaku.

Aku Berfikir

Aku berfikir, apakah hujan pernah cape? Pernahkah ia mengeluh pada Tuhan bahwa ia lelah membasahi dunia? Atau membandel ketika Tuhan suruh ia bertugas?

            Aku berfikir, pernahkah awan merasa pegal? Tidakkah ia ingin duduk dan bersantai? Oh, atau mungkin memang kegemarannya mengapung dan melayang tanpa menjajakan diri ke tanah.

            Aku berfikir, berapa pasang matakah yang dimiliki sebuah bintang hingga ia mampu berkedip sepanjang malam? Tidakkah ia merasa bosan hanya mengedip dan tidak melalukan yang lain?

            Aku berfikir lagi, mengapa matahari tidak pernah kehabisan energy dan berhenti bersinar? Bahkan ia mampu membagi sedikit cahayanya dan mengijinkan bulan memantulkan sinarnya.

            Setelah berfikir sekian lama, aku berhenti berfikir. Aku cape. Semua pertanyaanku tak mampu kujawab.

            Tapi, ada satu lagi yang melintas di otakku…
            Aku berfikir, pernahkah Ibuku merasa bosan padaku? Bosan merawatku,mendidiku,mengajariku? Pernahkah ia berharap aku tidak pernah ada? Mungkin sebisanya menghindar dari kehadiranku?

            Setelah berfikir dan mengingat-ngingat, ternyata ya! Aku rasa ibuku pernah seperti itu. tapi, ada satu pertanyaan yang jawabannya tidak perlu aku fikirkan lagi.
            Apakah selama ini ibuku selalu sayang padaku?
Aku bisa langsung menjawab, jawabannya adalah pasti!

-Her Sea-

Once, a sailor told me about a woman who ran away to the sea. From the way he talked, I could tell that he really misses that woman.

"She was a princess of beauty. She had a perfect life anyone would die for. She got everything she wanted, and never, her needs are not fulfilled. She got love, comfort, shelter. You mention other" he said, biting his nail. Then he continued his story.

"Then she ran away with no reason. She ran away here, to this harbor" he continued "She told me that she has fall in love, and there is nothing she can do to marry her loved one. And she begged me to let her sail with me."

He glanced at the sea. I bet he could capture the scenery of vivid silhouette of sailing ships. It was six in the evening.

"It was exactly this time of the day when she came. She was running so eagerly to the end of this harbor, like she can't wait to smell the sea real close. But when the harbor end, she cheased running and cry. That figure, a crying woman of the harbor made me fall in love with her right away."

Than he started crying, and I think I know why.

"As my voyage went, she conquers my heart even more each day. Each minute. Each second. I was glad to let her sail with me." he took a deep breath and stop talking. I was wondering what made him so sad. I understood that he lost her, drown he said.

"She asked me a serious question one day. She asked me whether I want to marry her or not. You sure know what my answer was! But a statement comes after. 'Thank you, my sea' she said and left."

I can feel that his sadness is deeper than just losing someone he loved away.

"I never had her. I never had her heart. She didn't love her husband. She never loves me. She loves the sea. And now, she lives with her loved one. She chooses to."

And now, he lives with her loved one. He chooses to.


My sleepy petals were hold back from sleeping by this feeling. A felling of insecure and fear inside my heart. I am a flower which is too young to bloom, yet to understand. But my stem was weakened and the scenery of vivid sunset scares me.

I knew deep inside what is expected from me, but I did not step on that direction. Well, the deadline is still far away in the sky thou...

This is my daily routine, waiting for the sun to rise, and when it does, I wait again for it to set. A boring life you may say. But I see love between young hearts that comes to my hill. And they inspire me. They inspire me to imagine. Imagine being them. Sharing love and affections.

Than comes this can who is left beside me. I never expect him to accompany me through my waitings for sunrise and sunset, but he happens to be there.

As time goes by, and me unaware of my heart, he becomes special. He, who comes unexpectedly.

He did nothing but be there with me, not even for me. Nothing more. But beyond that, he makes me admit his love pulse. It is the thing that makes my sunset and sunrise warmer.

For the can, my petals are toiled, covering it from rain so id doesn't have to rust too much. And my leaves are weary to hold him close when the wind comes.

I know I may not do it. But I'm afraid I'll enjoy the sun alone again.

I am a flower, who blooms too soon and got weary too early. I am a flower who is afraid to be alone, that I sacrifice myself not to be alone.

But a flower like me should go on.

Thank you for your love can, but I have to let you go.


I don't know why you're that bitter
Is it because I brought you flying too high?
Did I give you candies that are too sweet?
Or did I drench your heart in ecstasy?

Hey dear, that's what I felt too
I fly too far away with you, to the surfaces of the sun
but even the sun didn't dare to melt us down
I tasted the sweetest thing ever, and that's when I'm with you
Also, I were too vulnerable when you're around.
And I believe, you too. We put our hearts deep in ecstasy.

But when we fell,
when the taste that once entertains out tongues fade,
when our heart experience the down syndrome of ecstasy,
I did nothing...



Why didn't I do anything?

I think I was afraid
Me, my soul my mind was too weak to rebel
I was too small to break through
My heart wasn't capable to fall any deeper

I know what you felt
Even the devil shall pity
but they'll pity me more, now

Because friendship, is one most loyal gift
And it's much bigger lost than lovers.

I'm sorry

Seeing You

I first saw you three years ago....
you were still just a kid, and so was i
thanks to a friend who got me to know you, i never regret knowing you
but in our first meeting, you were just 'someone i know'

in our teenage innocence we grow through silly thoughts, stupid understandings and ugly point of view of things
we were as spongebob and patrick
we also learn the curves of life together, growing in mind and soul side by side

than we got to the point where adolescence took its part
it's finally a closed circuit between us, where electricity run through us, and sparks were found
it's those of what people say 'chemistry'
we fell for each other. weren't we?

but sorry, i was late to realize that
i thought, that feeling i had was just the square or cubic of friendship, not love
but it wasn't

i never asked for flowers, but you gave them to me
you gave me your care. Full attention
you gave me your affection
you give me your hugs and kisses

than everything you do makes me sure of everything you say
maybe i was just too naive, or was i not?
i believed in everything you said
i believe that you love me

was it true? did you really say it from your heart?
because until now i still believe that you love me
well, at least you ever loved me

so we started our journey as a lover
i believe we were a perfect ugly couple

days were so bright for me
the world seems more colorful
it makes me want to freeze every moment with you and put them on my freezer so i can keep it forever

we carved our days into beautiful memories, though some parts are rough

Bandung, Bogor, Puncak, Jakarta, Cibubur, Sentul
malls, movie theaters, highways, swimmingpools, cafés, hotel, home, roads
friends, sister, maid, mother, father, enemies
laughter, tears, smiles, whispers, shouts
love, forgiveness, fear, anger, sacrifices

we went through all that together, right?
although it's not seen by eyes, not herd by ears
i believe you were always there to hold my heart close to yours through everything

i used to think that we can solve any problem, put side away any hatred, calm any storm
we agreed that problems were just pebbles on our way

until we reach this one pebble, which is too big to be called pebble
and too hard to overcome.

a road block, which can only be removed with something we don't have

it's the end of our journey

i lied when i said i'm willing to let you go
since than, my life just hasn't been the same

everytime i'm awake, i always find you asleep in the deep of my heart
and when i'm asleep, that's when i see you in my dreams

my heart was rushing
it didn't stop bothering me with nudges

maybe this is why i kept disturbing you
i'm sorry

Now, things starts to fall to their places again
my heart still cries for you
maybe thanks to time, it is much calmer now
although imagination is still my heaven, where you and i are trapped in everlasting love

still, under the shadow i bleed
my wounds are not healed yet

i should be greatfull to those who help me keep up this far
to friends and family who is always there for me when my heart roars asking for you

and thanks to you too
i understand, now, why you ignore me like that
it would hurt more, if we are close to each other but we cannot have each other completely
do you think that way too?

i'm paving my way to that stage where i can let you go ungrudgingly

and today i saw you....
with the very same glasses and familiar shirt you wear

the picture when you hug me came striking my mind again

i miss you
and i have been missing you nonstop for the last one year
imagine waves in the sea which never stops
that's how i miss you all this time, all the time

i wish i was brave enough to say hello to you
but everytime i see you, my heart starts to tremble and gauche
so i didn't

next time i see you....
i wish i have gather enough courage to come talk to you

14 September 2009

NOT a Love Letter

This is not a love letter.
I write this not because I love you, but I write this because I miss you.
It's true, I miss everything about you.
I miss your smiles, your jokes, your voice, your super lame pick up lines, your just-wake-up smell.
Oh! your tickels, your childish attitude, I miss getting lost in the way home with you, and I miss listening to your ununderstandable knowledge about cars.

So you see, this is not a love letter! just a miss letter.

You're someone else's now, I understand. I'll have to go to curch and do a sin confession if I write you a love letter, but once again, this is NOT a love letter!

Actually, I need help! In everything I see, ther is a reminder of you.
I see an eye shadow and I remember you.
I see a tooth brush and I remember you.
I'm getting crazy with all this!
Maybe you know how to cure this illussions-about-you disease.

You know, It's getting so bad that I have to do math, a very hard one with the ultimate calculus calculation just to run away from thinking about you.
For math needs all my attention and mind.
But still, sometimes math can't push you out of my head!!

And guess what, even cute guys with beautiful brown eyes and funny cars can't cure the disease I'm suffering from.

Well, i know you are not interested in helping me or even thinking to think to help me, but maybe you would want to believe that i love you...

Oops! I mean, I miss you.

Listen to My Silence

Listen to my silence

I look forward to the day you would understand

When you don't have to make effort to forgive me

But for now,

Forgive my coward soul

I'm still searching for my gut to talk to you

Sorry I will not be there to hold you

I'm sorry I will not be there to sing you a lullaby on those lonely nights

Overall, I'm sorry I have to take back my heart I once gave you.

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang.

Selamat ulang tahun sayang.

Apakah kau mendengar hatiku?

Apakah hatimu menyampaikan selamat ulang tahun dariku?

Atau pikiranmu menghalanginnya?

Benar sayang, selamat ulang tahun dan aku rindu kamu.

Maaf aku membiarkan diriku melukaimu.
Semoga kini, tanpaku kau bisa terbang lebih tinggi, dan berlari lebih jauh.

Aku akan selalu mendoakanmu,

Kau, adalah bagian yang tak terlupakan, sayang.
Kasihmu begitu dalam, namun tak kuat menahan emosi yang berjalan paralel.

Aku harap kita bertemu lagi nanti.

Sekarang hanya mampu kuucapkaan,
Selamat ulang tahun, sayang.

Hatiku masih dalam kuyup cintamu.


Actually It Still Hurts

I thought it was just a whisper from my heart
But than it grew louder and louder, till it turned into a hope
The same person told me never to stop hoping, is the one I can't hope for
Don't you think that is Ironic?

Now, we're back
To the point where we're suppose to start
But there won't be any beginning here, i guess

It's really true
You are like dead, and someone i don't know lives inside you
or it's just because people change?

Well, something doesn't change

Your presence still makes me slide to the old times
when you were available for me
when were too close to each other
And I just can't resist

Actually, it still hurts


Dear Friend. (For Rendi aka Mamed, you will always be in my heart)

Dear friend,
I never told you how much you mean to me. I never told you how you've touched my heart and make my days brighter.

You were always there, in times of need, in times of anger, in times of tears.. And there with you a sincere heart.

But I admit, sometimes I'm too busy with myself that I ignore you. Sometimes I'm hurt and hurt you,who wants to care for me.

Sorry I was not being thankful for a friend like you.

You are a powerful, loving, fun and gentle man!

Yes you are!

You are precious, dear..

I miss you.
And please never let your spirit slip away from you. Give hope more than just a passing glance.

Whatever you're facing, you will always be my 'stupid idiot little friend'. A precious one of course!!

I'll always be here for you.. So if you get lonely sometimes, call for help!! Call me! Hehe..

Love and pray always.. ^^

I Hope You're Glad

I wonder, what was on your mind when you were just a seed
Did you feel lonely and scared?
When you were there safe and sound covered by the soil,
Did you thanks Mother Earth for giving you a chance to grow?

I wonder, what was on your mind when you grow your first leaf
Have you ever thought you would be this big and beautiful?
Hey Tree! look at you now. People enjoy the shades of your leaves.

I wonder, what was on your mind when your first fruit started to come out?
Were you worried, that your fruits won't be sweet and fresh?
But look at you now! You are full of fruits! fresh and lovely.

I wonder what is on your mind. I hope you're glad to be you!

Now, This Is a Love Letter (another letter for my beloved Mamed)

There are some things I cant keep forever.
Some things need to go away. For good or for Bad.

Life is all about losing.
In life, I only get, keep, or lose things.
Getting something is easy. Either I like what I get, or I just get rid of it.
Keeping is a bit harder. it needs effort.
But losing, I have no choice.
I dont really 'lose' something I dont like, if its something I dont like its just gone.
But I lose whatever I love.

It hurts when I lose.
I don't know why, but unconsciously I always keep everything.
Bills, Tickets, cards, wrapping paper, plastics, and all of those unimportant trash that have a story behind it.
Now i realize. I'm afraid to lose things.

But as I say before, life is about losing.
Sooner or later I'll have to deal with it.
Like it or not.

Now you, my friend..
you really are something for me.
And I lose you.
I still dont want to believe you're gone.
I dont want to lose you.

And you've teach me a lesson.
Nothing is forever.
The only thing I can do is to keep every memories.
Keep it well.

And for everything that I still keep, and yet to come, I should treasure it.
I should be thankful for everything I have.. and lose.
That includes myself.
Somehow in your silence, you told me how precious I am to you, and how I should treat myself better.

I know now, all these time you were always there watching my back.
You watch me fall, you watch me cry, you watch me stumble and bleed.
You know really clear and well how messed up I am but still you care. In your own way.

Thank You for being such a friend. I couldn't love you more!
I'm sorry I was too busy with my own frustration that I didn't realize how much you care.

I Promise you I'll be Happy.
I promise I'll be okay and will not do anything silly.
And I promise I will treat myself better.

You'll always be right here in my heart =)

Gara-gara Salah Asuhan

Jika harga peluru naik, hidup kami bisa lebih tenang. Entah mengapa orang-orang itu sangat senang meluncurkan peluru ke badan kami, lalu membawa kami pergi. Tapi semua yang pergi tidak pernah kembali.

Aku tidak pernah merasakan peluru dalam tubuhku. Yang pasti, ibuku bilang aku tidak akan mau tau apa rasanya. Ayahku dulu ditembak dan dibawa oleh mereka, sampai sekarang idak kembali. Kata ibu, ayah berteriak kesakitan waktu itu. Ibu berhasil lari dengan benda besi itu ditangannya, yang sampai sekarang masih ada.

Sejujurnya aku tidak mengerti mengapa ibu bersih keras tidak membiarkanku pergi terlalu jauh pada siang hari apalagi malam. Ibu bilang tidak mau aku kehilangan aku, ibu takut aku dibawa oleh mereka. Padahal aku sangat ingin naik mahluk itu, yang selalu disebut teman-temanku ‘si mata terang’ karena, si Sruoy pernah melihat mahluk berkaki bulat dan bermata sangat terang dan besar itu. Sruoy bilang, suaranya besar dan mengerikan. ‘si mata terang’  juga berjalan sangat cepat. Kalau saja waktu itu sruoy tidak bersembunyi, mungkin dia sudah dibawa dan bertemu ayahku!

Aku ingin bertemu ‘si mata terang’. Aku cukup yakin dia tidak akan keberatan ke tempat dia – atau temannya – membawa ayahku. Pasti tempat ayah berada sekarang ini sangat menyenangkan sampai ayah betah dan tidak kembali kesini. Kalaupun aku harus kesakitan dulu karena benda kecil seperti yang ada di tangan ibu, taka pa lah, yang penting aku bisa bertemu ayah!

Jadi, aku berencana untuk menunggu ‘si mata terang’ mala mini. Dan aku tidak akan lari atau sembunyi. Aku akan berkenalan, lalu minta ijin untuk ikut bersamanya ke tempat ayah berada. Hanya memikirkanya saja membuat jantungku berdebar kencang! Semoga saja ‘si mata terang’ tidak seseram yang dideskripsikan si sruoy. Aku tidak pernah melihat bahkan mendengar ‘si mata terang’ itu sekalipun! Aku sangat tegang.

Aku sudah menungu disini cukup lama, kalau saja daritadi aku memperhatikan wajah bulan, mungkin aku sudah bisa menghitung semua jerawatnya! Tapi ‘si mata terang’ tidak datang malam ini.

Ketika pagi hari aku bertemu ibuku, dia tidak berbicara padaku. Aku tau dia marah padaku karena tidak kembali semalam. Tapi aku tidak perduli, biarkan saja dia marah, aku tetap ingin pergi bersama ‘si mata terang’.

Malam ini, aku menunggu di tempat yang sama, dimana aku menunggu semalam dan dimana Sruoy melihat ‘si mata terang’  beberapa minggu yang lalu. Karena malam ini gerimis, dan ibuku bilang orang-orang itu tidak suka hujan, aku merasa sedikit lega, karena kalau begitu faktanya, maka ‘si mata terang’ akan datang sendiri tanpa ditunggangi orang-orang itu.
Sambil menunggu, aku membayangkan apa yang ayah sedang lakukan ya sekarang? Mungkin tiap malam ayah tidak perlu mencari makan seperti ibu, mungkin semuanya sudah disiapkan. Lalu pada sore hari ayah berendam di kbangan lumpur sambil menikmati hangatnya matahari sore…

Tiba tiba aku melihat ibu berjalan mendekatiku. Aku terkejut sekaligus khawatir ibu akan tertembak lagi. Tapi aku terlalu kaget sampai tidak bisa bergerak bahkan bersuara. Dan tiba tiba saja ada cahaya terang yang tertuju pada ibuku, aku bisa melihat luka ibu yang sudah mengering itu dengan jelas. Secepat cahaya aku membatalkan niatku untuk berkenalan dengan ‘si mata terang’. Tiba tiba saja keberanianku menguap entah kemana. Aku terpaku disana, terlalu lemas bahkan untuk menggerakan satu ototpun. Yang bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menonton ‘si mata terang’ mendekati ibuku yang tidak berusaha lari.

Semua terjadi dengan sangat cepat, ada suara kencang, lalu ibuku langsung jatuh tak berdaya. Tapi ibu tidak berteriak kesakitan, ia tersenyum kepadaku sebelum jatuh. Dan ternyata ibuku salah, ada juga orang-orang yang datang walaupun disirami air hujan gerimis. Lalu mereka membawa ibu pergi juga.

Disini aku sendiri, entah mengapa mereka tidak menembakku, membawaku pergi, bahkan mereka tidak melihat aku. Mungkin aku benar-benar berubah menjadi batu seketika. Dan entah mengapa juga, kepergian ibu menghapuskan semua rasa penasaranku. Aku tidak ingin tau lagi dimana ayah dan ibuku akan tinggal, dan aku tidak ingin lagi berkenalan dengan ‘si mata terang’.

Tempatku memang disini, di hutan ini.

I Won't Tell You!

I won't tell you you should hug.
I won't tell you you should care.
I won't tell you how grand you'd feel if you just learned to share.
I won't say "It's all right to cry," "Be kind," "Be fair," "Be true."
I'll let you see ME do it, then you just might do it Too.

(Inspired by 'Don't tell me' - Shel Silverstein)

These Days

What is wrong with 'these days' ?
They say it's hard to find kind hearted people these days.
Does these days turn good people into bad people?
What does these days do to people, that make them no longer reliable and trustworthy?

I've been told by some hurtful people who claimed to have experienced how 'these days' people and codition beats them and throw them to the ground.
Some said it's scary these days that you can't trust anyone.
But isn't it not-having-anybody-to-trust that makes it scary?

For as long as I live, as long as I know 'these days,'
it hasn't been THAT bad to me at all.
Is it because I just have never been confronted with 'these days' face to face?
Or could it be that 'these days' is not truly that bad?

Well, I'm not gonna lie.
Yes, 'these days' gave me hard times and let me meet mean people.
But I don't fuss about it, swearing around blaming these days's people and condition.

And the fact is, we survive 'these days,' right??

So I suggest you, my dear friends, just be thankful for whatever these days have given you.
Is it sweet, bitter or sour? Just believe that 'these days' do have a kind heart too, and everything bad have something good behind it.
besides, everybody have/will have to taste every flavor these days have to offer. The candies and the bile.

So . . . . .
Love unconditionally like you have never been hurt before.
Trust completely like how you want others to trust you.
Sing aloud if it makes you feel alive.
Jump around, Smile to everybody.
Don't waste your time worrying.

Your love and trust might bring you tears and disappointment,
But they are worth giving for in life, we do need to love and trust as much as how we need to breath.

ps: 'These days' is innocent!


If I change my look from head to toe,
and change my voice,
and all other things of me,

Will you recognize me by the little things I do to you?

Aidia's Hat and the Lice Living in It. (The Old dreamer's hat)

Aidia is a dreamer.

Even though he is only bones and skull now, he still dreams.
When he was still a corpse, he dream.
Aidia dreams all his life and death.

When Aidia was still alive, he dreamed while he breath,
                            while he eats,
                            and of course while he sleeps!
But he dreamed more while he's awake!

Aidia loves to dream but he hates to take showers.
That is why he have so many lice in his hair.
But Aidia loves his lice.
He taught his lice to dream too!

      "See the colors that you have never seen before.
      Listen to the sounds that never went through your ears.
      Sing melodies that never existed.
      Create a world of your own, that no one could ever think of.
      That is how you dream.
      And do not ever let anybody tame your imagination."

This is what Aidia always say to his lice.

Aidia died besides a river, using his only and beloved hat.
Aidia's hat is so rich and full of his dreams, sometimes Aidia thought he needed a new hat.
But this hat is home to his lice so he keep using it until he died.

One day, Morpheus came to the river to drink.
He was exhausted for delivering dreams.
And now he run out of ideas, what dreams should he share to the world tonight?
It would be a crime to let one night pass without dreams.

Then fortunately he saw Aidia's hat and was amazed by the contain of the hat.
Since only the lice can interpret Aidia's dream from the hat, Morpheus spent hours listening to the lice.
He was mesmerized by Aidia's wild dreams he have never heard before, and he liked the nice lice.
Now Morpheus know what dreams to share to the world, and he grant those lice immortality.

Since then, the lice travel in Aidia's hat.
To Rome and Greece, Japan and Indonesia, Germany and England.
Maybe it passed your house once!

If you find Aidia's hat, don't harm the lice living inside it.
But listen to Aidia's great dreams and let the lice and the hat leave and share the dreams to the world!

The Stone That Burps

There is a stone that burps.
The burping stone burps everytime a person passes by.
And it burps in a bad manner.

Before thrown to the river,
she stays in a garden besides a kindergarten.
When the children are out to play, she burps and scare them.
That is why the parents send someone to throw it to the river.

Inside the water, it don't stop burping.
It burps whenever a fish passes by.
Until one day, Bob the fish got fed up and flap the stone out of water with his tail.

And there, besides the river it settle.
There was no fish and person passes it.
So it was mute just like other stones around it.

It used to wish for being a normal stone.
So it doesn't scare the children and doesn't get on the fish's nerve.
But now, it feels lonely and doesn't feel special.

One day, two day, one week, one month, one year have passed
and the stone have not burp for one year!

But one year in silence worthed the wisdom it got.
It have promised itself to burp slowly and in a good manner.
So it won't scare the children and won't get on the fish's nerve.

A sunny day then came with a sunny fate for the stone.
That day, a scientist come to the river looking for some stones for his experiment.
He passed the burping stone.
And for the first time after one year, the stone burps beautifully, slowly and with manner.

The scientist was shocked, because he didn't expect a burping stone to be there besides the river.
It needs effort to find the burping stone because it was mingled with all other common stone.
The scientist managed to find the burping stone and brought it home.

After doing some experiments, the scientist place her on his house gate as a notifier if someone passes his house gate.

And the burping stone was happy for being useful.
She never forgets to burp nicely and beautifully!

Not Strong Enough

Thank you for breaking my heart.
Thank you for hurting me.
Thank you for ignoring me.
Thank you for leaving me.

I have a strong, strong heart now.
Strong enough not to cry.
Strong enough not to let my world fall apart.
Strong enough to stand straight.
Strong enough to have fun.
Strong enough to forgive.

But it is not strong enough to move on..... YET!

Friends = Potential threat of heart break

Do you realize that everytime we know someone new, we are increasing the possibility of getting hurt?
Especially when we like the person.
Because when we let ourself care for them, or even love them, it's like sticking tapes to our paper-like heart.

And there are always possibilities that somehow they just go away from us. whether they die, fight with us, just walk away for no reason, or any other reason you can think of.
And when they did, its like taking the sticky tape off our heart and that hurts.

The interesting thing is, we just don't stop making new friends.
In fact, we love 'falling in love' and sharing affection.
But that's okay because that's what people do!

What we should be glad of is, everyone brings lessons for us.
Them who hurt, love, hates, care, and even them who takes advantages of us.
But it depends on us whether we want to see the lesson or not.

Having many friends means having many potential threat of heart break.
and that's what makes life so much more interesting! xp

I Deserve Your Goodbye

Like tears in the rain
Like blood on fire
Like me in the crowd

You don't see me a special heart
I am just one feather of a wounded bird
I am just one woman in your world.

I flat around like a bubble
I'm like ashes who tries to catch your attention
And I don't stop

Until I realize I'm mere confetti in your life.
Yes It makes your days colourful,
Those nice things that make your party merrier,
And once it gets to the floor, do nothing but to be stepped on.
Maybe some kind hearted girls will play with it.

Now what do I do?
I think I deserve a goodbye.
What is it, really?
Are you offended?
Even so,
I still deserve your goodbye!

5 Days

5 days without you..
It hurts
It makes me numb
It confuses me
And hey, it’s like the afternoon sky, it’s bittersweet.
Really, aren’t you going to look for me?
I will buy any alibi you gave me.
Err, ask about the vending machine?
Or my foundation book?
I miss you.
Just to think of you makes me smile.
I repeat your name in my head and it makes my heart blush.
Why aren’t you missing me?
Asking ‘how is your day’ takes less than 10second.
Its hard to believe that you don’t care that much!
In the name of me, myself and I,
I pray that tonight you’ll turn into a frog and need my kiss to reform you into human again! :D

I Think I've Gone Mad

August 5, 2010, 6:55 pm

It smells like beer, while I’m colouring the purple square.
I miss you.
Is this the way you ‘roll’ ??
Or you’re just not that into me?
Am I just comforting my heart by trusting your ‘love’ for me?
I hate you. And love you as much as I hate you.
Cheers to Kuta lonely night. Damn it! You didn’t reply my text! While I know you CAN!

Seni Digantungin

August 1, 2010, 7:55 pm
Katamu, senja itu nyeni dan misterius untuk orang seni.
Diantara terang dan gelap.
Titik bertemu antara terang dan gelap yang bertolak belakang itu.

Mungkin kamu benar benar merasa dan berfikir demikian, atau hanya karena mantanmu yang bilang jadi kamu setuju.
Aku takkan pernah tau.

Kalau aku, aku setuju.
Bukan karena kamu yang bilang, tapi karena aku meresapi saat saat senja.
Senja itu sendu.
Sendu itu terasa perih.
Tapi senja juga manis, dan ada perasaan misterius antara perih dan manis.

Coba kamu rasakan subuh.
Subuh itu dingin, tapi ia lembut.

Dingin. Subuh gak perduli kamu menggigil kedinginan, yang penting ia datang gak terlambat dan pergi juga tepat pada waktunya.
Subuh itu seperti ibu yang mengajarimu ketekunan.
Ketekunan untuk beribadah, untuk bekerja, untuk belajar, dan untuk menjadi kuat.

Dan kamu percis seperti subuh.
Kamu dingin, gak perhatian, gak perduli, gak ber-pe-rasa-an !
Tapi kamu mengajariku untuk menjadi kuat. Mandiri, dan tegar.

Apakah seni bagimu, menjalin suatu hubungan yang antara ada dan tiada denganku?
Kenapa aku dan kamu bertindak, berlaku dan berbuat seperti orang pacaran sedangkan aku bukan pacar kamu ya?

Rasanya kurang lebih sama kaya senja dan subuh.
Misterius. Sendu tapi manis. Dingin tapi lembut. Sakit tapi enak.
Bukan sakit tapi enak yang ‘itu’ ya! Ini masalah hati.

Menurutku ini juga seni sih. Seni ‘digantungin’.
Kita liat aja deh, seni yang ini bisa aku nikmati berapa lama. Karena, sejujurnya aku takut menikmati senja, subuh dan kamu.

12 Hour Train

August 1, 2010, 1:51 pm

Schat, I can’t believe I’m on a 12-hour train!
It’s comfortable, and I can’t bear but imagine you’re here with me.
I miss you so much already!! Do you miss me as much as I miss you too? I just wonder..
Well honey, I don’t know what to do.
You have been my addiction. :(
Since I met you, I haven’t got a day without thinking about you.
And as I say from the start, you’re killing me!
Because you know what, I can’t express myself at any given time or place.
I’m not your girlfriend. I’m afraid to do things to you.
I don’t even hold your hand when we walk together.
But I swear, I really wanted to. I want it so bad, it hurts inside.
Dear, this 12-hour train is taking me far away from home. I can’t explain the feeling.
I feel free, for a few days I will be free from home, from my families and my everyday-life.
It feels like I’m ready to let go of every other things but you.
Miss you schat..
Kisses and Hugs for you always :)
I love you

Like a Wasabi

July 23, 2010, 4:15 am

I dreamed about you twice yesterday.
In my dreams, you’re still YOU!
one annoying, cold-hearted, good looking, and ignorance guy
who makes my world spins around.
But for the last few days, I find my peace
and I’ve been taking everything calmly.
I used to wait for your call/message,
and get frustrated if you don’t look for me.
I used to expect so many attention from you,
but got disappointed because you don’t care for me the way I want you to.
But I realize now,
It was because I keep lying to my heart.
As you know, hearts can’t think.
My heart wanted you so bad, It was crying for you all the time!
My heart beats and misses
And I keep telling my heart that you miss me too
I told my heart to chill because you will be mine
and my heart won’t stop asking me for you.
That’s how I was murdered by my own heart (which I put the blame on you :p)
But I did take courage and told my heart the truth
That I am no one to you
I am not even your girlfriend
I am just ‘someone’ in your life who might be forgotten as how you forget the first ant you killed.
You have no idea the hurt I had.
It’s not as bad as losing my best friend because of leukemia,
not as much pain as losing my first boyfriend,
not even as hurt as being told that my mom prefers to have no daughter than having one like me.
This hurt you made me feel is more like wasabi.
It’s shocking, spontaneous, strangely feels good, and awkwardly calm.
so calm it sways.
I find peace in the hurt.


We need to run away!
From our conscious thoughts that might sever us apart
We need to go away!
To a place where the fire and the water can mingle
Where the sun and the moon sits side by side
We need to run fast, faster than time
through the day, hour, minute, and second
We should be chasing the moments
Those special moments you can’t find anywhere else
Those which are ours. only you and me.
Don’t you worry
If you want me to stay, I’ll never leave you
It’s what you do to me
We have to admit, we didn’t know what we’re looking for
You might think you do,
But I know for sure you don’t
In a glimpse of a moment everything seems perfect
that’s when you sit in the window of my life
But glancing into the future, some things do fade
I am scared. Are you?
So when your soul embarks, I’ll be holding tight
I’ll wait to listen to your heartbeat, when you hug me tight in the clouds
And our wings would be so strong, the sun wouldn’t even dare to melt us
When all the road is dark and dreamy
And our nature can’t take it anymore
Promise me that you wouldn’t walk away
If you want me to stay
I’ll always be by your side

I miss you = I miss YOU

July 7, 2010, 6:04 am

When I say I miss you, I mean I miss YOU!
When I say I miss you,
I didn’t mean I miss your smell.
I didn’t mean I miss your beautiful eyes.
I didn’t mean I miss playing around with you.
I didn’t mean I miss singing with you.
When I say I miss you, I mean deep, I miss YOU!

My Bitch!

July 2, 2010, 4:42 pm

I want you in my bed
Watch me come closer to you
Than, I’ll ask you,
“Do you want love?”
And before you have a chance to answer,
my lips will be 0.5 cm away from your ear whispering
“Let’s make it!”
And as soon as you get what I mean,
I’ll look you in the eyes
and give you the sweetest evil smile ever!
While you’re still mesmerized by my smile,
I’ll melt your lips in mine.
After that, everything will happen naturally.
And -for the sake of ethic- will be sensor !

And then, for the ‘after-talk’,
I’ll show you this writing
and you’ll have to answer this question:

"Do you feel like my bitch right now?"

I Want to Say It All Over Again!

July 2, 2010, 3:40 pm

Do I need to say it again?
I know you get it, but I really want to say it again.
I don’t know why,
You don’t need to ask why.
I just simply want to remind you,
although I know you haven’t forget it
so, let me say it! Again!


Give Yourself

June 24, 2010, 4:51 pm 

To a love that will embrace you, and to a love that will hurt you.

To a man that will empower you, and to a man that will abandon you.

To a woman that will admire you, and to a woman that will insult you.

To a boy that will look up on you, and to a boy that will ignore you.

To a girl that will like you, and to a girl that will avoid you.

To a lover that will love you, and to a lover that will sleath your heart.

To a stranger that will welcome you, and to a stranger that will harm you.

To life that will give you ecstacy, and to life that will make you suffer.

Give Yourself!

A Golden Hair of a Black Horse

June 16, 2010, 4:20 pm

Thank you for being so beautiful.
Thank you for all the little things you do.
Thank you for being so mysterious.
Thank you for being so simple.
Thank you for ignoring me.
Thank you for always being yourself.
Thank you for letting me love you.
And thank you for being a golden hair of a black horse.


Avrio will be the day I die.
Avrio my children will be motherless, and my husband will lose his wife.
Avrio is a big day.
Everyone will be glad.

My husband choose avrio to be the day I go.
Because it’s our anniversary day!
And the children, oh! They have strong hearts!
They succeed assuring my parents several times.

My dad was a hunter.
Since I was a baby, he often leave home for months.
Only my mm and my bigger brother  take care of me.
He went so often that most time I feel like I don’t have a father.
And mom was only human. Not a really strong one, thou.
She cheated on my dad. But I was somehow glad for her.
My brother leave home early.
He hates mom’s boyfriend.

I was only fifteen when my brother leave the house.
I was alone.
Mom have nothing else in mind but her boyfriend.
Dad took longer to go hunting.
He went for six month or more.
And so I hated  my life.
I tried to end it myself several times but they just don’t work.

I never thought I would die this way.
I swear I would laugh really hard if I can.
Remembering how I wanted to die so bad, and now I’m dying and I want to live so bad.

I’ve been told and I know,
It’s only in the last moments of your life you regret that there are so many words unsaid.
So many gifts and smiles are not given.
So many love unshared.

Trust me, this is the worse feeling you would ever feel.
I never tell my parents that I forgive them.
I never tell my brother that I actually cares.
I haven’t tell my husband how much I love him in a long time.
And my children, Dear Lord! They must know I love them so much.

I haven’t always been perfect for them.
As a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, I broke their hearts.
I was too proud and ignorance.
But I love them.
I just wish I could once again see them in the eyes and say ‘I love you’

Here I am, in my humblest moment of my life.
I’ve been here for months with the machine working for my body to keep me alive.
This feels ridiculous!
A soul with thoughts and feelings can be sustained by an assembled metal and plastic parts.

As I was thinking, my whole family and best friends come into my room.
My smallest son holds my hand and say:
            “Mommy, I know you are going far away. But Grandpa said, no matter how far you go, you’ll be in my heart. All I need to do is forgive every wrongs you did so I’m here to tell you that I have forgive you and I will miss you. And mommy, I can take a bath by myself already! So you don’t need to worry, oukay!”
There is a rush of peace and release all over my body. It’s a huge relief to know that I am forgiven by the ones I love.

I don’t have much time.
Avrio is my time.
I am ready to go.