Rabu, 05 September 2012


semua orang pasti punya warna
setiap orang pasti punya putih,biru, merah, kuning . . .
seharusnya dunia ini cerah meriah
sayangnya, kebanyakan orang hanya menyadari hitamnya.

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Gara-gara Salah Asuhan

Jika harga peluru naik, hidup kami bisa lebih tenang. Entah mengapa orang-orang itu sangat senang meluncurkan peluru ke badan kami, lalu membawa kami pergi. Tapi semua yang pergi tidak pernah kembali.

Aku tidak pernah merasakan peluru dalam tubuhku. Yang pasti, ibuku bilang aku tidak akan mau tau apa rasanya. Ayahku dulu ditembak dan dibawa oleh mereka, sampai sekarang idak kembali. Kata ibu, ayah berteriak kesakitan waktu itu. Ibu berhasil lari dengan benda besi itu ditangannya, yang sampai sekarang masih ada.

Sejujurnya aku tidak mengerti mengapa ibu bersih keras tidak membiarkanku pergi terlalu jauh pada siang hari apalagi malam. Ibu bilang tidak mau aku kehilangan aku, ibu takut aku dibawa oleh mereka. Padahal aku sangat ingin naik mahluk itu, yang selalu disebut teman-temanku ‘si mata terang’ karena, si Sruoy pernah melihat mahluk berkaki bulat dan bermata sangat terang dan besar itu. Sruoy bilang, suaranya besar dan mengerikan. ‘si mata terang’  juga berjalan sangat cepat. Kalau saja waktu itu sruoy tidak bersembunyi, mungkin dia sudah dibawa dan bertemu ayahku!

Aku ingin bertemu ‘si mata terang’. Aku cukup yakin dia tidak akan keberatan membawaku ke tempat dia – atau temannya – membawa ayahku. Pasti tempat ayah berada sekarang ini sangat menyenangkan sampai ayah betah dan tidak kembali kesini. Kalaupun aku harus kesakitan dulu karena benda kecil seperti yang ada di tangan ibu, tak apa lah, yang penting aku bisa bertemu ayah!

Jadi, aku berencana untuk menunggu ‘si mata terang’ mala mini. Dan aku tidak akan lari atau sembunyi. Aku akan berkenalan, lalu minta ijin untuk ikut bersamanya ke tempat ayah berada. Hanya memikirkanya saja membuat jantungku berdebar kencang! Semoga saja ‘si mata terang’ tidak seseram yang dideskripsikan si sruoy. Aku tidak pernah melihat bahkan mendengar ‘si mata terang’ itu sekalipun! Aku sangat tegang.

Aku sudah menungu disini cukup lama, kalau saja daritadi aku memperhatikan wajah bulan, mungkin aku sudah bisa menghitung semua jerawatnya! Tapi ‘si mata terang’ tidak datang malam ini.

Ketika pagi hari aku bertemu ibuku, dia tidak berbicara padaku. Aku tau dia marah padaku karena tidak kembali semalam. Tapi aku tidak perduli, biarkan saja dia marah, aku tetap ingin pergi bersama ‘si mata terang’.

Malam ini, aku menunggu di tempat yang sama, dimana aku menunggu semalam dan dimana Sruoy melihat ‘si mata terang’  beberapa minggu yang lalu. Karena malam ini gerimis, dan ibuku bilang orang-orang itu tidak suka hujan, aku merasa sedikit lega, karena kalau begitu faktanya, maka ‘si mata terang’ akan datang sendiri tanpa ditunggangi orang-orang itu.
Sambil menunggu, aku membayangkan apa yang ayah sedang lakukan ya sekarang? Mungkin tiap malam ayah tidak perlu mencari makan seperti ibu, mungkin semuanya sudah disiapkan. Lalu pada sore hari ayah berendam di kubangan lumpur sambil menikmati hangatnya matahari sore…

Tiba tiba aku melihat ibu berjalan mendekatiku. Aku terkejut sekaligus khawatir ibu akan tertembak lagi. Tapi aku terlalu kaget sampai tidak bisa bergerak bahkan bersuara. Dan tiba tiba saja ada cahaya terang yang tertuju pada ibuku, aku bisa melihat luka ibu yang sudah mengering itu dengan jelas. Secepat cahaya aku membatalkan niatku untuk berkenalan dengan ‘si mata terang’. Tiba tiba saja keberanianku menguap entah kemana. Aku terpaku disana, terlalu lemas bahkan untuk menggerakan satu ototpun. Yang bisa aku lakukan hanyalah menonton ‘si mata terang’ mendekati ibuku yang tidak berusaha lari.

Semua terjadi dengan sangat cepat, ada suara kencang, lalu ibuku langsung jatuh tak berdaya. Tapi ibu tidak berteriak kesakitan, ia tersenyum kepadaku sebelum jatuh. Dan ternyata ibuku salah, ada juga orang-orang yang datang walaupun disirami air hujan gerimis. Lalu mereka membawa ibu pergi juga.

Disini aku sendiri, entah mengapa mereka tidak menembakku, membawaku pergi, bahkan mereka tidak melihat aku. Mungkin aku benar-benar berubah menjadi batu seketika. Dan entah mengapa juga, kepergian ibu menghapuskan semua rasa penasaranku. Aku tidak ingin tau lagi dimana ayah dan ibuku akan tinggal, dan aku tidak ingin lagi berkenalan dengan ‘si mata terang’.

Tempatku memang disini, di hutan ini.

These Days

What is wrong with 'these days' ?
They say it's hard to find kind hearted people these days.
Does these days turn good people into bad people?
What does these days do to people, that make them no longer reliable and trustworthy?

I've been told by some hurtful people who claimed to have experienced how 'these days' people and codition beats them and throw them to the ground.
Some said it's scary these days that you can't trust anyone.
But isn't it not-having-anybody-to-trust that makes it scary?

For as long as I live, as long as I know 'these days,'
it hasn't been THAT bad to me at all.
Is it because I just have never been confronted with 'these days' face to face?
Or could it be that 'these days' is not truly that bad?

Well, I'm not gonna lie.
Yes, 'these days' gave me hard times and let me meet mean people.
But I don't fuss about it, swearing around blaming these days's people and condition.

And the fact is, we survive 'these days,' right??

So I suggest you, my dear friends, just be thankful for whatever these days have given you.
Is it sweet, bitter or sour? Just believe that 'these days' do have a kind heart too, and everything bad have something good behind it.
besides, everybody have/will have to taste every flavor these days have to offer. The candies and the bile.

So . . . . .
Love unconditionally like you have never been hurt before.
Trust completely like how you want others to trust you.
Sing aloud if it makes you feel alive.
Jump around, Smile to everybody.
Don't waste your time worrying.

Your love and trust might bring you tears and disappointment,
But they are worth giving for in life, we do need to love and trust as much as how we need to breath.

ps: 'These days' is innocent!


If I change my look from head to toe,
and change my voice,
and all other things of me,

Will you recognize me by the little things I do to you?

Aidia's Hat and the Lice Living in It. (The Old dreamer's hat)

Aidia is a dreamer.
Even though he is only bones and skull now, he still dreams.
When he was still a corpse, he dream.
Aidia dreams all his life and death.

When Aidia was still alive, he dreamed while he breath,
                                                                     while he eats,
                                                                     and of course while he sleeps.
                                                                     But he dreamed more while he's awake!

Aidia loves to dream but he hates to take a shower.
That is why he have so many lice in his hair.
But Aidia loves his lice.
He taught his lice to dream too!

                               "See the colors that you have never seen before.
                                Listen to the sounds that never went through your ears.
                                Sing melodies that never existed.
                                Create a world of your own, that no one could ever think of.
                                That is how you dream.
                                And do not ever let anybody tame your imagination."

This is what Aidia always say to his lice.

Aidia died besides a river, using his only and beloved hat.
Aidia's hat is so rich of his dream, sometimes Aidia thought he needed a new hat.
But this hat is home to his lice so he keep using it until he died.

One day, Morpheus came to the river to drink.
He was exhausted for delivering dreams.
And now he run out of ideas, what dreams should he share to the world tonight?
It would be a crime to let one night pass without dreams.

Then fortunately he saw Aidia's hat and was amazed by the contain of the hat.
Since only the lice can interpret Aidia's dream from the hat, Morpheus spent hours listening to the lice.
He was mesmerized by Aidia's wild dreams he have never heard before, and he liked the nice lice.
So he grant those lice immortality.

Since then, the lice travel in Aidia's hat.
To Rome and Greece, Japan and Indonesia, Germany and England.
Maybe it passed your house once!

If you find Aidia's hat, don't harm the lice living inside it.
But listen to Aidia's great dreams and let the lice and the hat leave and share the dreams to the world!

The Stone that Burps

There is a stone that burps.
The burping stone burps everytime a person passes by.
And it burps in a bad manner.

Before thrown to the river,
she stays in a garden besides a kindergarten.
When the children are out to play, she burps and scare them.
That is why the parents send someone to throw it to the river.

Inside the water, it don't stop burping.
It burps whenever a fish passes by.
Until one day, Bob the fish got fed up and flap the stone out of water with his tail.

And there, besides the river it settle.
There was no fish and person passes it.
So it was mute just like other stones around it.

It used to wish for being a normal stone.
So it doesn't scare the children and doesn't get on the fish's nerve.
But now, it feels lonely and doesn't feel special.

One day, two day, one week, one month, one year have passed
and the stone have not burp for one year!

But one year in silence worthed the wisdom it got.
It have promised itself to burp slowly and in a good manner.
So it won't scare the children and won't get on the fish's nerve.

A sunny day then came with a sunny fate for the stone.
That day, a scientist come to the river looking for some stones for his experiment.
He passed the burping stone.
And for the first time after one year, the stone burps beautifully, slowly and with manner.

The scientist was shocked, because he didn't expect a burping stone to be there besides the river.
It needs effort to find the burping stone because it was mingled with all other common stone.
The scientist managed to find the burping stone and brought it home.

After doing some experiments, the scientist place her on his house gate as a notifier if someone passes his house gate.

And the burping stone was happy for being useful.
She never forget to burp nicely and beautifully!


Kumakan Dengan Beberapa Helai Daun Ganja

Langit sore itu lebih sendu dari biasanya.

Jingga pun lelah memampang di langit.

Pekat oleh jenuh dunia ini,
seekor macan berenang di lautan luas.

Tanpa lelah mencari telurnya yang hilang.

Darat murung mengetahuinya.

Seluruh langit pun berperih mendengar beritanya.

Waktu tak akan melaju sampai ia menemukan telurnya.

Berhentilah mencari telurmu, macan perkasa yang megah,
yang tatapannya menyilaukan, yang lorengnya memukau.

Teriakkanmu mengerikan bagiku.

Tangismu makin lama makin perih.

Membuat tulang tulang ku kering kerontang.

Ku mohon berhentilah mencari.

Kau hanya akan mati kehabisan tenaga.

Sebab, kemarin sebelum selaput fajar datang,
aku mengambil dua telur emas terombang ambing di samudra
dan membawanya ke sarangku.

Kedua telurmu, menetas di pelukanku.

Yang satu segera terbang merobek awan,
Yang satu lagi kumakan dengan beberapa helai daun ganja.